Update 3.17.2015 – Version 1.2.2 – Bonus Brad Scene & Additional Fixes

Hi there, sexy people! I’m currently working on the secret relationship. In the meantime, here’s an update!

What’s in the Updated Version?

A lil’ bonus scene for Brad, as well as minor edits, typo and bug fixes. Most of your old saves should work with the game.* (Unless they occur right around the new scene.)

*NOTE: I forgot to mention this is only true if you have any versions that contain the gallery. If you have a pre-gallery version of the game, your old saves won’t work. (You can use TAB and change your SKIP settings to speed through scenes. Apologies for the inconvenience!)

How Do I Know If I Already Have The New Version?

The new version was released late last night. If the game window says 1.2.2 at the top, you already have it. Otherwise you don’t.

How Do I Get The New Version?

BMT sent you an email when you purchased the game. Use that email again to download the new version. Once you’ve downloaded it, you can unzip the new file and copy the resulting folder right over your old game.

How Do I Unlock the New Bonus Scene?

It occurs at the end of Brad’s route. For details, you can go here.

FYI, old saves may not work if they occur in the middle of that sequence. Remember, you can always use TAB and configure your SKIP options to speed through previously-read portions of your game.

What If I Find A Bug?

Please use this contact form or the email address listed there, and tell me what operating system you’re using, as well as a description of the bug.

Thanks so much and hope you enjoy! 🙂