Goodness gracious, it’s that time, once again. Here’s the latest update, with the new route, involving a new suitor named Amos. Note the content warning further below.

How Do I Get The Update?

  • BMT Customers, Adult Version: BMT sent you an email when you purchased the game. Use that email again to download the new version. Once you’ve downloaded it, you can unzip the new file and copy the resulting folder right over your old game.
  • BMT Customers, Censored Version: BMT sent you an email when you purchased the game. Use that email again to download the new version. Once you’ve downloaded it, you can unzip the new file and copy the resulting folder right over your old game. To uncensor, go to this page: Grab the sexy pack and follow the instructions.
  • Itch Customers: Go to your itch download link to download the new version. Please note that due to the payment policies for, this will be a CENSORED version. To uncensor, go to this page: Grab the sexy pack and follow the instructions.

Please use this contact form or the email address listed there if you have any issues de-censoring the game.


How Do I Know If I Already Have the New Version?

The new version was released around 11pm on August 22nd, 2015, PST. If your game window says 1.3.0 at the top (or later), you have the new version.

Content Warning? What’s this about a content warning?

For some of our more gentle-minded players: there’s a bizarre dream-sequence-like fetish in Amos’s route that shows up briefly and involves a side character. It’s probably not as extreme as CANNIBALISM, but it’s still dangerous. Read the note at the bottom if you want to know what it involves. 

Ok, thanks for the warning. Just who is this Amos fellow? Why is he in the game?

Amos was originally going to provide a *tryst* that was supposed to be as half as long as the other routes. Well, it’s no longer a tryst but a fleshed-out story, as long, if not a bit longer, than the others.

Any Tips On How To Find Him?

Follow Ian’s story until he’s winging for you at the gay bar. Instead of going home with Ian, you now have the option to stay at the bar and make a friend. Take it from there, kiddo.

Will My Old Saves Work?

Gah,I hoped they would, but there were some problems that resulted from 1) the route being fairly long and intertwined with the rest of the game and 2) moving to the newer engine. There’s a chance your saves will be broken, and I’m very sorry! ): Use TAB and all the skip options in the OPTIONS MENU to plow through speedily through the story if you need to.

What If I Find A Bug?

Please use this contact form or the email address listed there, and tell me what operating system you’re using, as well as a description of the bug.

Anything Else I Need To Know?

I’ll be working on a crop of shorter Brofinder dates for the remainder of the year. Updates will occur the same way (please follow this blog if you want to be notified when they’re ready.) A physical edition, an artbook, and a soundtrack will also be made available sometime around the end of the year.

And for the love of Zeus, please have fun. 😀 This was written by the same writer responsible for the last Brad update. I’ve hired him to help with the rest of COOT. 

(So, What’s the Content Warning?)

The fetish I mentioned above involves a side character fantasizing about auto-erotic asphyxiation. It’s portrayed in a hyper-surreal and rather outlandish way, but I wanted to warn those with sensitivities to this kind of thing.